Motherhood Goddess Powered: Stories, support, and wisdom from mothers around the world.


Motherhood Goddess Powered: Stories, support, and wisdom from mothers around the world.


I'm so proud to be part of this inspiring multi-authored book. 14 Mamas who are also coaches, mentors, spiritual leaders, teachers, healers or therapists. We each tell our motherhood story and how that has informed the work we do and how you can use our teachings to live your motherhood 'Goddess Powered'.
Themes range from:

Guilt, Loss Of Identity, Birth Trauma and Healing, Neuroscience, Grief, Self-Care, The 'Perfect Mother' Myth, Autism, Conscious Parenting, Self-Empowerment

My chapter talks about my birth story and how my subsequent healing and personal uncovering has lead me home to my true-self, and I share with you my tools and teachings, and how you can use them to heal yourself.

Available to purchase Via Amazon Link.

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