Mama, we all know that we often find ourselves at the bottom of the pile. So much of our role of Mother is putting other people first. 

Yet we also know (and regularly get told) that we ‘Cannot pour from an empty cup’, and Happy Mama = Happy Child. 

But this can feel like an impossible task when there is ALWAYS something someone needs from us.  We are the holders, the nurturers, the providers, after all, our duty as a Mother is to give, and love, and guide. 

But without giving this same kind of care and attention to ourselves,

We get lost,

We become exhausted

And burnt out,

And then we are stuck in this place of guilt, resentment, and often self-loathing.

And so the cycle continues.


From my own experience as a Mother, I have learnt (often the hard way) that it begins with Self-Love.

When we value and love ourselves enough to take care of our own wellbeing, in the same way we prioritise that of our children:

We start to reconnect to who we are

We start to create more space for our own needs and desires, which allows us to heal and grow, and thrive as an equal to our family.

Not as the smelly pair of pants at the bottom of the laundry basket.

No one wants to be those pants!! 🙊


Well, it’s not going to happen by just telling yourself that you are ‘worth it’.

In fact it’s not going to happen in the mind at all (to start with).

Because your mind is a powerful thing, wired for survival, which is why it’s left you at the bottom of the pile in the first place.

But the body - OK

The body can feel joy

The body can feel release

The body can feel connection

The body can feel LOVE


And that’s all you have to do - open your email, press play and dance!

Just one song a day, no more than 5 minutes a day.

Then just notice.

✨Notice how you feel afterwards.

✨Notice how you feel as the week goes on.

✨Notice the joy and love start to rise up.

✨Notice the laughter and the smiles.

✨Notice yourself coming back to life and starting to fall in love with yourself.