Gather round the fire at my home, with a group of like-minded Mothers for an Imbolc Cacao Ceremony.

Sunday 2nd February

Calgary Crescent
CT19 6JA

✨Guided Cacao Ceremony
✨Wild Dancing For Release

✨Your favourite Mug
✨A Blanket or two 
✨A Journal & Pen

Mothers only (young babies welcome)

Imbolc is a cross quarter fire festival in the wheel of the year. It's the midway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. 

As we enter the Wintery depths of February - one of the toughest months of the year for many of us, Imbolc gives us an opportunity to anchor home to ourselves once more. It may not feel like it, but the days are getting longer and all around in nature, there are subtle signs of rebirth appearing. Transformation is underway.

The long winters can make us feel low, anxious and depressed, but nature reminds us that good things take time. So this is an invitation to pause, to reflect, to be held in community, and to sit with the uncomfortableness you may feel at this time of year - listen to your heart and allow the truth to unfold in its own time.

A time for listening
A time for trusting
The wheel is turning
This too shall pass

Ceremonial Cacao is a heart opening plant Medicine  - more information about its uses and benefits can be found here What is Ceremonial Cacao?

£32.00 GBP

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